Microlearning has surged in popularity lately, and rightfully so. It's a tactic tailored to suit the demands of contemporary learners. Additionally, L&D experts can leverage this approach to tackle typical training hurdles like time limitations and catering to remote workers. So what exactly is microlearning? What are the benefits of microlearning? What are the best microlearning applications? Let's find out in this article with us

I. What is microlearning 

Microlearning is an educational approach that delivers small, focused units of learning content to learners. Typically, these units are designed to be short in duration, often ranging from a few minutes to around 15 minutes. The aim of microlearning is to provide quick and targeted learning experiences that can be easily consumed and retained by learners, often addressing specific learning objectives or skills. This method is well-suited for modern learners who prefer bite-sized, on-demand learning experiences that fit into their busy schedules.

To help you have a better understanding of microlearning, let's find out more about benefits of microlearning 

>>> Read more: What are the benefits and disadvantages of self-paced learning?

>>> Read more: Efficient learning at scale: The benefits of customizing your LMS

>>> Read more: 4 learning analytics that tell you your students need support

II. Top benefits of microlearning 

1. Increase engagement 

Microlearning courses captivate learners for several reasons. Typically comprising multiple concise modules, each containing brief bursts of educational content, this format is tailored to engage contemporary learners. Today's learners, accustomed to consuming short snippets of content on their mobile devices daily, juggle busy schedules and are prone to distraction; indeed, most lose focus after just 20 minutes.


This method of training adopts a delivery style familiar to most learners, characterized by visual appeal and memorability. Each module focuses on a singular topic, enriched with multimedia elements to provide context. Furthermore, this format facilitates easy integration of training into employees' packed schedules. Recent research reveals that 50% of participants expressed willingness to engage in more training if sessions were shorter.

2. Agile 

Microlearning stands out as an exceptionally flexible Learning and Development (L&D) approach. Compared to conventional eLearning formats, these modules can be developed and deployed swiftly due to their concise and targeted nature. Consequently, organizations employing this strategy gain the capability to expedite the creation and launch of their training initiatives compared to traditional methods.

Furthermore, microlearning modules offer the advantage of being easily recyclable, reusable, and adaptable. Their inherent design allows for minor adjustments, enabling them to be repurposed for different topics or departments within an organization. This versatility proves invaluable for organizations with diverse employee training needs across various departments. Moreover, it serves as a significant asset for industries subject to frequent changes in regulations, procedures, and standards, enabling swift adaptation of training materials to maintain a competitive edge.

3. Maximize ROI

Leveraging this learning approach represents a prime method to optimize your training and development budget. Microlearning modules incur lower costs for creation and implementation compared to numerous other L&D training methodologies. Additionally, they accelerate time-to-competency and enhance knowledge retention, resulting in heightened efficiency and greater value for your investment.

Moreover, thanks to the agile structure of microlearning and its capability for content reuse, less time and money are required for development endeavors.

Maximize your ROI with the custom LMS
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4. Improve flexibility 

Microlearning modules, ranging from 3 to 10 minutes each, offer a significant benefit to employees with packed schedules. Allocating a brief period for training is much simpler than committing to longer sessions. In essence, many find it more manageable to integrate multiple microlearning sessions into their schedules compared to dedicating an hour or more to training at once.

5. Increase accessibility 

The majority of Learning Management Systems currently employed for microlearning are designed to be mobile responsive. This feature allows learners to access modules on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. This enhanced accessibility eliminates obstacles to training, empowering employees to choose the device that suits their preferences.

This flexibility proves particularly valuable for remote workers and dispersed teams, who might be on the move or have restricted access to technology. By maximizing accessibility, you increase the likelihood of employee engagement in the training program.

III. Applications of microlearning 

1. Compliance 

Microlearning enables you to efficiently provide compliance training and refreshers that employees can easily recall, all while seamlessly fitting into their hectic workday schedules.

2. Soft skills 

This training style is excellent for presenting simulations that establish context, aiding learners in grasping soft skills subjects like conflict resolution and effective communication more effectively.

3. Behavioral changes 

Microlearning serves as an effective delivery approach for training targeted at behavioral change. For instance, when encouraging employees to embrace newly launched software, microlearning can efficiently provide concise, comprehensible tutorials that seamlessly integrate into their packed schedules.

Implement your LMS TODAY 

Have you custom LMS implemented today to get the best results out of microlearning. 

IV. Conclusion 

Microlearning stands out as one of the most impactful learning methodologies. To facilitate its effectiveness, it's crucial to integrate a suitable Learning Management System (LMS). We trust that this article enhances your understanding of microlearning, its advantages, and its practical applications. Armed with this knowledge, you can effectively implement microlearning within your business operations.

About us

At OOOLAB (pronounced 'uːlæb'), our mission is to make complex learning operations simple. We aim to positively impact the lives of over 1,000,000 learners and educators by the end of 2026.

OOOLAB's LearningOS provides educational institutions and corporate enterprises with an all-in-one solution to create and deliver engaging learning experiences.

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