Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

Efficient Learning at Scale: The Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

The benefits of using a Learning Management System (LMS) and Content Management System (CMS) are enormous. 

But what's new is...

recent trends suggest technology vendors are offering clients customizable white-labeled learning platforms with expert support, for no extra-charge. 

You might be wondering, why ?

Customizing an LMS adds a personalized feel that helps keep learners engaged while optimizing the management and delivery of educational content. 

And it's these customizations that take software experts little time to implement, but offer massive value

And they're worth bragging about.

In this article, we’ll explore 6 customizable features of an LMS, which will help your enterprise:

  • Automate learning operations

  • Increase brand loyalty

  • Implement cost effective solutions

Keep reading to see how customization can deliver efficient learning while accelerating your business growth.

Domain name and URL


Making sure your platform uses your company's domain name and URL is a sought after and easily customizable feature. It ensures a smooth learning experience for your users and it avoids long, confusing addresses with forward slashes and redirects.

Online safety is a growing concern among parents, and using consistent domain names across all your virtual learning environments instills confidence in your clients and builds trust in your learning operations making scaling your brand easier.  

Logos, Layouts, and Color Schemes

Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

While you’re busy implementing tech-heavy features on your new LMS, it’s easy to overlook aesthetics. It's essential that the aesthetics of your LMS mirror your company branding and embedding your company's logo on the dashboard helps to do that. 

Having consistent layouts and color schemes also creates a sense of ownership and familiarity for your learners. Furthermore, learning dashboards with subtle color schemes help build positive emotional connections which boost learner engagement. Having a cohesive interface enhances learning experience and makes digital products more scalable. 

Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

API Integrations

Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

Educational and administrative tools are being designed and created at a rapid pace. And with the development of AI, you’ll need to innovate quickly to ensure your learning operations are automated and ahead of the competition.  

White-labeled API customization offers increased flexibility for your business and functionality for your students. Many educators and enterprises already use an array of software and edtech tools to streamline their learning operations. Software experts can incorporate these integrations for you so learners, teachers, and employees can access them directly from your platform.


Learning Analytics

Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

Learners, parents, and clients care a lot about student progress, so enterprises must measure progress at every opportunity. A lack of progress reporting reflects badly on any educational institution.

There are numerous customizable learning analytics templates to measure learning outcomes. These analytics track, collect, and analyze data. Leveraging this information is a no-brainer. Your enterprise is accountable for student progress, and learning analytics can showcase student progression and achievements. Demonstrating success makes your courses more scalable. 

Learn more about Leveraging Learning Analytics to Increase ROI by clicking this link!

Advertising Banners

Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

The school calendar year is full of noteworthy events. And your learning center will need to get information directly to the students as early as possible. Whether students are learning synchronously or asynchronously, utilizing advertising, or pop-up banners is an effective way to offer additional learning opportunities, inform students of schedule changes, or celebrate holidays and student achievements. 

Uploading customizable banners to your LMS is simple but effective in maintaining an open line of communication between the enterprise and its learners. Promoting digital products directly on the dashboard will help scale your business faster. Keeping learners updated about scheduling changes, holidays, or other important events helps to avoid confusion and keep operations running smoothly. 


Branded Mobile App

Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

These days there’s an app for everything. Since students are more likely to use a cell phone to learn than a computer, it’s crucial your LMS has a branded mobile app. It will massively increase brand visibility and provide students with the flexibility and convenience of accessing educational resources anytime, anywhere. And aside from making your enterprise look professional, it improves students' learning accessibility, which improves overall engagement and performance. 

Your LMS provider can help your enterprise put learning in the hands of your students by including a branded mobile app as part of your white-labeled LMS package. And you can customize the app with the same features as your desktop LMS. 


Introducing LearningOS

LearningOS is the #1 Learning Management Platform for enrichment learning by OOOLAB.

Benefits of Customizing Your LMS

Take advantage of an LMS that offers complete white-labeling functionality and unique customizable tools.

Customization is an Art

OOOLAB appreciates each company is different, that's why we offer a free consultation with our expert educational software team. During this session we can discuss which white-label customizations would best suit your business needs.

Schedule a demo here: LearningOS