5 Top Features of an LMS to Reduce Administrative Workload

A Learning Management System, abbreviated as an LMS, simplifies administrative tasks through a centralized platform. It allows you to automate all the tedious and repetitive jobs that can be time-intensive and taxing. If your business isn’t using one yet to reduce the workload then you’re missing out. Save time, money, and effort with an LMS. 

LMS features

Read more about LMS's top features:

  • Cloud Communication
  • Award Certificates
  • Authorize Access
  • Set Employee Availability
  • Schedule Reports

Cloud Communication 

Are you constantly running around the office trying to contact team members? It's true enough, at educational institutions, things can change quickly. One call can set off a chain reaction from the bottom to the top floor. It's important to keep your staff updated on changes in procedures, policies, or products, but chasing them up can be time-consuming and exhausting. 

Why not use your LMS to communicate? Since you're already using it to send attendance, enrollment, and progress reports, why not use it for budget, staffing, or facility reports? An LMS allows you to convert different file extensions so that you can digitize your company documents. It is easy to import documents from a scanner and save them to your LMS cloud. 

Whether you need to deliver an important policy change to the CEO or schedule a training seminar for your teachers, you can send that info privately or to everyone simultaneously. An LMS cloud is a great way to store all your in-house communication, and it is always there if you need to go back and edit. 

Award Certificates 

Employees work hard, and managers and CEOs ought to give praise where and when it is due. Giving verbal recognition can give employees a little confidence boost in their day-to-day errands, but nothing says 'management is incredibly grateful' quite like an A4 certificate. 

Thanks to an LMS, it’s easy to acknowledge and give accreditation around the clock. Admin can log in anytime to check if staff have achieved their goals, or teachers have completed their assigned classes. If praise is due, the admin can customize and award certificates directly on the LMS. Increase morale, motivation, and productivity with these digital awards, and yes, if employees or teachers want a hard copy, they can print it off and place it on their wall. 

Authorize Access

Since enrichment centers spend a lot of money on digital content, it's critical to safeguard it from hackers and...students! There is nothing more frustrating than having pupils finish a year's worth of material in a handful of days. To deal with these bookworms, you don't need to call pest control; instead, you can use your admin controls to grant access as needed.

The administrator can grant access to new courses and materials after students have finished a course by merely altering the sharing setting. Similarly to that, you can prevent students from enrolling in courses by restricting what they can see. When new permissions are introduced, students will be notified, enabling them to immediately check out the new content.

Set Employee Availability 

Many learning centers have staff members who can work remotely. You might hire instructors who deliver instruction online or curriculum designers who work abroad. Personnel that live in various cities and time zones can occasionally make scheduling a little challenging.

The most recent LMS systems, fortunately, offer digital calendars that let staff members submit and change their availability in real-time. Because we can see who is available for an online lesson or meeting and who is not at their desk, using this digital calendar helps us avoid confusion. Employees can communicate via the LMS if there has been a scheduling issue, and even if no one is awake at the time, the LMS notification will notify the admin of the issue right away.

Schedule Reports 

You can remain on top of all your reporting duties using the LMS's Scheduling Report Mailout function. It aids in the automatic planning and distribution of reports. When you want emails, invites, or instructor comments sent out, you may choose a time and date for it. Even regular reporting can be planned out over a semester.

Top Tip: The admin can ask each department which days are best for receiving documents and emails and schedule accordingly. 

As the term progresses, using an LMS to schedule reports automatically could save you some headaches.

Top Features = Top LMS

If your business is ready to simplify administrative tasks through a centralized platform. Then contact OOOLAB. They have developed a sophisticated LMS system called LearningOS.  

LMS features

LearningOS' intuitive LXP design provides businesses with the tools they need to deliver their content while saving valuable time, resources, and money!

LMS features

Click the Link to find out more about LearningOS. 

Thanks for reading 

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